When we think of SEO, we tend to think of strategies to help our web pages rank higher on Google or other similar search engines. However, we are aware that the realm of SEO is far more extensive than search engines.
If you’re selling products on Amazon India, most likely, you’ve tried to improve your listings for products to get higher rankings. Customers want to discover your items more easily; one way to ensure that your products are found is to get them to “rank” higher on specific search terms.
This article will provide a more in-depth analysis of how this technique operates. We’ll discuss what Amazon SEO means, why it’s so essential, and how to help your product be more prominent in Amazon search results.
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As a result, it will boost your Product ranking and conversion rate.
Let’s get started.
What is Amazon SEO?
Amazon SEO refers to optimizing your Amazon product listing to improve your organic product ranking in Amazon search results. SEO improves your rankings and leads to greater visibility of your products (measured by the number of impressions), and should bring increased clicks and eventually the sale.
In simple words, you can say that Amazon SEO is the process of getting your products to appear higher in Amazon’s search results.
Like Google, customers on Amazon use a search engine to discover what they’re searching for. Like Google, most users select those results that are the initial ones and rarely click on products on the third, second, or even the fourth page.
What Is Amazon Organic Search Result?
When we talk about Amazon SEO, we’re focusing on organic results. So these are the listings for products that are not bought, i.e. these aren’t advertisements.
The results of organic searches are not chosen by an auction or bid power but rather by the algorithm that Amazon’s algorithm considers to be most relevant to the search query that the user has entered.
If you’re selling your products on Amazon India, the high number of clicks in the most popular results indicates that the rank on Amazon is the most significant success factor for your company. The higher your position and the more you’re selling!
Like traditional SEO, Amazon SEO is all about optimizing your product listing for certain elements, like
- Keyword Usage
- Product Title
- Product Features
- Product Description
- Backend Keywords
- Product Images
- Product Review
- Pricing Strategy
What Are The Key Aspects Of Amazon SEO?
If you’re on the third page or less, it’s unlikely that you’ll sell anything. Additionally, over 66% of consumers currently begin searching for new products via Amazon. If your product isn’t getting a good ranking in Amazon results, you’re missing out on the potential for sales!
The rank of the product will be determined through an algorithm known as “A10” (A abbreviation to mean “algorithm”, and the number 10 means”the 10th Generation.) Since this algorithm is the one that decides the outcome of your product’s success on Amazon, it’s great to get to know the algorithm more thoroughly.
Amazon SEO is not only about relevancy but also the products that Amazon considers to have the best chances of completing the sale and paying the platform commission.
Amazon SEO can therefore be broken down into two major components:
- It shows that your service can be relevant for the user’s search. It’s like traditional SEO, as it requires you to include the appropriate keywords in your listing and ensure that they’re included in the appropriate areas of the page.
- Making a solid sales record. A strong sales record, and possibly being an Amazon best seller, indicates the retailer Amazon is highly sought-after and therefore is more rank-able. Promoting sales includes a variety of elements, like an advertisement that promotes sales through stunning images and compelling text, great reviews from customers, as well as offline marketing.
Making both of these choices will have a significant impact on your business. It could make the difference between trying to create your Amazon store up and running and establishing a successful business. Let’s examine the reasons why this is important.
Why Is Amazon SEO Important?
Optimizing your product listing can make your product more visible in search results. This means more potential buyers can locate your website. More eyes looking at your listing could lead to more sales.
Although there are no doubts that Amazon is a lucrative platform that salespeople can’t ignore, however, the competition currently is beyond the norm. Entrepreneurs must push the envelope and stay ahead of their rivals with their products’ most efficient Amazon SEO strategies.
If you don’t do, Amazon SEO could mean that your product is not getting as many views.
According to “The 2021 Amazon Consumer Behavior Report” by Feedvisor, 49% of consumers aged 27-40 always or frequently/often buy the first product listed on an Amazon SERP.
According to the survey, 99% of consumers said they are satisfied or delighted with Amazon’s assortment of products.
In comparison, 95% of consumers are satisfied or highly satisfied with the relevancy of Amazon’s search results when looking for products on the platform.
Optimizing your listing for your products could ensure you a sought-after position at the top of search results.
How Is Amazon SEO Different From Google SEO?
Google SEO and Amazon SEO do share similar fundamentals. In addition, both require some form of optimization to rank higher. But, there are several significant differences.
Amazon SEO focuses on different factors when compared to Google SEO. Amazon is focused on both conversions and CTR, whereas Google SEO focuses on CTR. The reason for this is quite simple. Google isn’t always able to determine the things a user is searching for or the topic they are trying to find when they land on a web page. Thus, Google considers CTR to assess the relevance of an ad or organic result. |
Amazon sorts products and ranks them so that it can achieve the most sales possible in a speedy, efficient way. To achieve this, it must perform differently than Google or other engines. Therefore, Amazon has different algorithms than similar to Google.
The Sellers who are aware of the way that Amazon’s SEO process operates will see substantial outcomes. Their products will be at on top positions of the platform’s search results and, ultimately, increase sales to customers.
To make this happen we’ll examine the way in which Amazon SEO’s fundamental tool the A10 search engine functions.
Amazon’s A10 Search Engine: How does Amazon Search Work?
A10 Search Engine is a vital component in Amazon SEO. Amazon has created its search engine to aid customers with their queries finding the most suitable products available on the Amazon marketplace.
A10 is a Search engine that acts as the central brain of the whole Amazon SEO process. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend what the A10 algorithm functions.
The A10 search engine is primarily focused on “revenue per click” capabilities, which is Amazon’s primary objective. |
Therefore, each time a buyer is searching for a product or service on the site, they need to find the most suitable available options in the Amazon catalog, which increases the chances of generating revenue and revenues.
The Amazon A10 algorithm evaluates the product’s listings to give the most effective results for customers’ search. Amazon also ranks items according to how likely they will lead to an order.
Evaluating your Amazon Product listing’s Quality, Relevancy, and Performance, A10 determines the Rank.
How To Rank Your Product On Amazon SEO 2022
If you’re a new Amazon business owner, it can be overwhelming to contemplate what your product will do to get higher rankings in an Online Selling platform like Amazon.
You’ll be competing with aggressive competition and a constantly evolving A10’s search engine algorithm. That’s why most companies invest in Best Amazon SEO Tools or engage an Amazon SEO consultant for help.
Although there aren’t any exact methods to determine how Amazon A10 targets customer queries and outcomes at present, some clues could help you make your product more visible.
The A10 algorithm decides which products to present to potential buyers and also how high the products will be ranked based on a variety of criteria, including:
- Relevance to the keywords or relevant to search queries
- Previous customer preference and behaviors
- The number of previous purchases of a specific item
In addition to the above, there is a list of numbers of other factors. As A10 is Amazon’s top-secret corporate, its function is not fully understood.
The algorithm’s complexities could be worth crores of Rupees. Therefore, the secrecy regarding how it operates is maintained.
However, with a few tries and a few experiments, you’ll understand how it functions, and this is precisely the information we’ll discuss in this article.
Two Important Factors For High Amazon Product Ranking
A high ranking for your product on Amazon is a fantastic method to boost sales because more customers will be able to find your products while browsing the website. However, sellers must understand how the Amazon search algorithm functions to be successful on Amazon.
Based on the analysis above, you can conclude that Amazon’s SEO rank is purely a result of two main factors.
- Amazon’s Relevancy Ranking Factors
- Performance-Related Amazon Ranking Factors
If you can optimize the Amazon product page to meet these two essential ranking aspects, you’ll increase sales and conversions on the website.
Relevance and performance are both able to be further broken down into sub-categories. We’ll take a look at each one in greater depth.
Amazon’s Relevancy Ranking Factors
Amazon A10 algorithm considers how your product’s listing is relevant to the user’s search. It evaluates where and how your keywords are utilized and how relevant your keywords are to the query.
Although having profitable keywords on your Amazon listings remains an important factor in ranking your product, the focus is now on the buyer’s intent. Amazon A10 is a factor that drives Amazon sellers to do further study to understand their customer profile better.
Amazon will be looking at your
- Product Title: The item’s title is a crucial element that the algorithm evaluates for relevance. The title of your Amazon listing should contain specific keywords to your product.
- Seller Name: It is yet another factor in ranking that Amazon will consider to determine your relevancy to the search results. You’re more likely to be listed when you’ve got keywords in your name.
- Right Keywords: While your keywords won’t be visible to your customers, Amazon can see and utilize them to figure out your product and its features. Keywords inform Amazon what your product is about and what it does and which search terms your listing should be displayed for.
- Brand Name: This name field is located just below the listing’s title and is easily visible to the customer. Amazon makes use of this field to link products to one another. Therefore, ensure that you write your brand name identically on every listing.
- Product Description: Amazon will read and analyze every line of your product description to determine its relevance to its Amazon search. Try to include as much information as you can and include appropriate keywords.
- Product Features: It guides Amazon to understand how helpful it would be to include your product in search. It is essential to include keywords and product characteristics so that Amazon recognizes that the product is appropriate.
Above the 6 ranking factors, it is clear that keywords play an important factor in displaying your relevance. For example, without using proper keywords in your product listing, your product will not appear in Amazon’s search results.
So, Keyword optimization has a significant role in Amazon SEO. But, they are not only the Amazon ranking Factors.
You can check other factors below.
Performance-Related Amazon Ranking Factors
Amazon is an ecommerce platform that aims to sell. Therefore, its algorithm tries to determine the probability of your products being sold. The components of your listing for products that Amazon uses in making this decision are referred to as the performance-ranking factors.
The factors that determine performance ranking are the driving force behind Amazon’s desire to sell products efficiently and quickly to as many customers as possible. Therefore, ensuring you can prove to Amazon that buyers will purchase your product once they have seen it is a crucial aspect of the rankings.
The Amazon A10 algorithm will consider your:
Click-Through Rate
Your Product listing on Amazon may receive more clicks on one search query than another depending on the buyer’s intent, size, color, or other product features. This is because Amazon considers the number of clicks that your listing has achieved from previous searches.
CTR is the number of clicks your product gets when shown on a search results page. The greater your CTR is, the better the rank of your product.
CTR is heavily weighted when determining the relevance of A10. That’s why titles and images are more important now than ever before.
Pro Tips To Boost Your Amazon Product CTR:
- Growing Internal Visitors: A compelling primary image and a compelling title can boost your CTR.
- Create off-site sales by driving visitors to the Amazon website from other sources: You can rely on social media platforms or apply for The Amazon Influencer Program. You can also adopt a different method that best suits your business requirements.
Conversion Rate
Amazon will be interested in knowing how many of your product listings have resulted in a successful sale. Therefore they’ll consider the conversion rate of your product to rank on Amazon Marketplace.
The higher your conversion rate makes, the higher probability that Amazon will present your product to their customers.
A large percentage of people who clicked through the product’s detail page and then purchased from you also makes an essential factor to your position.
Pro Tips To Improve Your Amazon Product Conversion Rate:
There are numerous methods to increase conversions. You can achieve this goal by
- Making your product relevant to customers’ search queries:
- Make sure that your product is selling at a competitive price.
- Creating your listing more eye-catching by using A+ Content
- Uploading engaging videos to highlight the advantages of your product.
Product Price
It is another Amazon Seller ranking factor. Customers will not purchase your product if they get a lower price from a different seller. Therefore, your product’s cost will impact your conversion rate, which is a crucial aspect of Amazon.
One thing that’s often forgotten is how your price is compared with similar products within the same segment on Amazon.
If other similar products are sold for less than yours, two things will likely occur:
- It’s unlikely that you’ll make as much money as similar items.
- Amazon’s algorithm will predict that your product is unlikely to make as much money as other products.
Tips On Amazon Product Price: You’ll suffer from a lower Amazon rank if you charge excessively compared to similar products on Amazon. So make sure you don’t overcharge Amazon’s market. Take a close look at your competition on this site and other sites and then set your price according to that, and in a competitive way.
Product Images Quality
The quality of your Amazon product images is essential to your customers. It will determine the probability of clicking your product in the Amazon Search, which affects the click-through rate. It will also affect how likely they are to buy your product, affecting the conversion rate.
As a result, Amazon reviews the quality and optimization of your images.
Pro Tips To Improve Your Amazon Product Images:
Amazon has the basic specifications for images. To allow the zoom-in feature to your customers Amazon needs an image of 1,000 pixels by 1,000 pixels.
An image that is this large will give the customer the highest resolution and helps build confidence that your products are of high quality.
Here you can check some basic requirements for Amazon Product Images.
- Allowed formats: JPEG (preferred), TIFF, PNG, GIF
- Background: pure white
- Color model: RGB colour values of 255, 255, 255
- Resolution: Minimum 72 dpi
- Images must match the product title.
- The product must fill at least 85% of the image area.
Product Video Quality
A product video that is included in the Amazon listing is among the best methods to improve the performance of your listing. Videos also provide the opportunity to establish relationships with prospective customer.
In addition, product videos aid shoppers in understanding the product and brand aids them in making a purchase decision and also increase sales. So, it has a great importance to boost your product rank & Amazon SEO.
Here are some numbers to support the importance of Product Video On Amazon:
- 96% buyers consider video to be helpful in making purchases online.
- 79% of consumers prefer to watch videos to learn more about a product, rather than reading the text.
- The right product video can boost conversions by more than 80%.
Product Reviews
As of Amazon A10, product reviews remain among the most important ranking factors.
Many positive reviews give your product credibility and a strong reason for the Amazon A10 algorithm to position it on the first page of results for the search.
A brand with positive reviews is always the first priority by many customers. Customers will more often believe an item that has received positive reviews.
The more reviews you have for your product, the more reliable you are perceived to be. So, there is a greater likelihood people who come to your Product listing on Amazon will buy.
Amazon’s algorithm considers reviews and ratings to evaluate your performance.This is why it’s a requirement for Amazon sellers to show perseverance in obtaining reviews.
Pro Tips To Increase Your Amazon Product Reviews:
- Always sell great products that you can trust and you know about.
- Develop trusting relationships with your customers, building strong online communities to improve your brand awareness.
- Inside the Amazon Brand Registry program, keep track of consumer reviews via the Customer Reviews page through the Seller Central Brand Dashboard. As a brand’s owner, you can also respond to negative reviews by using the templates for messages that are provided.
- Don’t forget to use most of your social media platforms and connect with online influencers.
Sales History and Velocity
Amazon Search Engine always prioritizes sellers based on the number of sales on their platform. Therefore, the more sales you make as an Amazon vendor, the more significant Amazon advantages you will achieve.
However that your product is most likely to be ranked higher on Amazon when it is earning substantial sales while it is in progress.
Pro Tips To Boost Your Amazon Product Sales Velocity:
- Make sure your items are available. Keep an eye on slow-selling inventory or any decline in sales. This will allow you to move ahead with blowouts or promotions.
- Spend more time and effort generating organic sales by implementing an effective promotional campaign via email or seasonal discounts.
Seller Authority
Amazon attaches great importance to the activities of merchants in the marketplace, which includes the feedback rating of sellers and indicators of performance as well as inventory levels and even the fulfillment method that is closely linked to the customer experience.
Pro Tips To Improve Your Amazon Seller Authority:
Offer outstanding customer service to increase the Amazon Seller rating and also increase your chance to win the Amazon Buy Box:
- Answer customers’ inquiries and address the relevant issues or complaints quickly and efficiently.
- Select the most solid fulfillment process to avoid falling into hot water when delivering shipments that result in poor customer reviews. Better To Go With Amazon India FBA.
- Be aware of your stock to ensure that your items are in stock so that your buyer can purchase them right away.
- You need to pay particular attention to the cancellation rate or refund rate, the accurate product tracking, and other important Amazon sellers metrics.
Amazon Pay-Per-Click advertising
Following Amazon’s A10 update, a common rumor is that the most important factor of Amazon SEO is relevancy. Sponsored ads only generated organic sales.
But a greater concentration on relevance doesn’t reduce the importance of Amazon Advertising. Amazon PPC ads are still an essential tool to help you develop your long-term strategy for sales.
The higher you generate sales, the higher the chance to improve your rank because of better CTR & conversation rate. So, indirectly it is one of the important product ranking factors on Amazon.
Pro Tips On Amazon Pay-Per-Click Advertising:
- Expand your advertising budget and allow off-Amazon ads to drive customers to your product listings.
- Create PPC campaigns when you are looking to increase awareness of a brand new product or improve listings’ performance.
- Display PPC advertisements that tend to be converted.
Amazon SEO 2022: How to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings for Higher Rankings
Once you’ve figured out what the ranking factors of Amazon are and you must improve your listing to meet these criteria. Making just a few adjustments to your product listings could positively change your Amazon listing’s position.
You can start optimizing Product Listings for Amazon’s ranking factors by:
- Choosing the right keywords
- Improving your keyword relevancy in Product Listing
- Improving your performance metrics
In the beginning, our suggestion is to concentrate on the relevancy and quality of the content. Optimizing to increase click-through rates for titles and the primary image and the conversion rate for other elements of the content.
Beginning with how content is read from the user’s perspective, instead of making a strict Amazon keyword optimization, your top priority will likely produce readable, relevant content that meets your click-through and conversion objectives.
The optimization of your listing must start with a plan to increase your rank on Amazon.
Note: Make sure you follow the Amazon Style Guides according to your product category. If you don’t, Amazon could suppress your product. Download this handy ‘Quick Style Guide’ for basic guidelines that apply to all categories |
Find The Right Keywords for Amazon Product Listings
Keyword research to find Amazon keywords is an SEO method to identify the terms that sellers can utilize to achieve a higher ranking on the Amazon search results page.
When you select a keyword for Amazon, it is essentially looking into the ways customers find things they would like to purchase.
To increase your traffic and improve Amazon SEO, you will require to select the most relevant keywords. The process of finding relevant, right keywords begins with the research of keywords.
Amazon SEO Keyword research is all about selecting the appropriate keyword to use in your Amazon product listing. It’s still important to think about the same two factors that we have mentioned previously:
- Relevance: You must think about keyword relevancy. Select a keyword that customers use to find similar products to yours.
- Performance: You should select keywords based on their potential to be successful. Be aware of the volume of searches for the keyword, or else you could limit the number of potential customers you can reach.
There are a lot of best Amazon keyword research tools & techniques to help you identify the appropriate keywords and their volume of searches. Other tools can inform you of the keywords people search on Amazon and the number of people looking for them.
You can do Amazon Keyword Research by using:
- Amazon Autocomplete
- Using Keyword Research Tool
- Amazon’s Automatic Campaigns
- Competitor Listings
- Customer Reviews
Keyword Research Using Amazon autocomplete
Amazon is a great resource that can be used to conduct keyword research. If you type some letters in the search box, you will find the products appear in the form of suggestions.
The autocomplete feature isn’t random. Instead, Amazon displays the terms people search for the most. Therefore, it is logical that autocomplete will provide you with a list of genuine search queries.
There are two popular methods to find Amazon autocomplete Keywords.
- Direct From Amazon Website
- SeoStack Keyword Tool
Amazon Autocomplete Keyword Research Direct From Amazon Website
Follow these steps to carry out Keyword Research Using Amazon autocomplete
- Log out from your Amazon account
- Start an incognito tab in your browser
- Go through the Amazon homepage
- Put your seed keyword into the search bar, but do not press search.
- Take note of all the suggestions Autocomplete that Amazon creates when you type in your search.
This strategy is very efficient because autofill suggestions are what Amazon customers want. In addition, you’ll be able to identify relevant phrases and terms which can help you with your strategy for keywords.
Amazon autocomplete Keyword Research Using SeoStack Keyword Tool
SeoStack Keyword Tool is a free keyword research tool. You can easily add this tool to your chrome browser. In addition, it will give you the option to use the Amazon Autocomplete tool.
How To Find Amazon autocomplete Keywords Using SeoStack Keyword Tool?
Follow these steps to do Amazon autocomplete Keyword Research Using SeoStack Keyword Tool
- Search “SeoStack Chrome Extension” on Google and install it on your Chrome Browser on your computer.
- Now Click On The Extension Icon From Your Browser to use the Tool.
- Enter Your Seed Keyword.
- Tick on all options from “Wildcard (*) Modifiers” to get all types of related keywords.
- Select Amazon from the “Select Sources” option.
- Set Country India In the “Region” section.
- Now Click On the “Start” Button.
- You can see multiple related keywords for your seed keyword.
- Now you can export the data as CSV. You can click on “Get Volume+CPC data” to get volume and CPC from the Google Keyword Planner tool.
While this method will generate relevant keyword suggestions, it does provide you with an estimate of the performance metrics, such as the volume of searches.
Amazon Keyword Research Using keyword research tool
Amazon keyword tools help sellers gain an understanding of their prospective customers. The information you gather to develop your own Amazon marketing strategy and boost the visibility and rank for the products you sell on Amazon products.
These tools give you precise data on various matrices, as given below.
- Search Volume
- Trend
- Competition
There are plenty of keyword research tools for Amazon products. We are showing you some popular tools below.
Amazon Keyword Research Using a free keyword research tool
Here you can check the list of free Amazon Keyword Research tool.
No. |
Amazon Keyword Tool |
Pricing |
Features |
1 |
Sonar |
Free |
The Sonar keyword tool uses complex algorithms to collect keywords used by Amazon shoppers. |
2 |
Free to Paid |
You can find the best keywords for Amazon products in a fast and easy way. You can use Keyword Tool Pro for Amazon for more advanced options. |
3 |
Scope |
From free to $57.5 per month |
You can easily monitor best selling products, keyword ranking lists and much more with Scope tool. A newbie can also pro to use Scope to research the best keywords for Amazon products. |
4 |
Scientific Seller |
Free |
You should know that unlike most keyword tools that are fast and efficient, Scientific Seller is slow and meticulous. |
5 |
SellerApp |
Free |
You can use this tool to identify the best keywords that drive the customer to buy your product and display some details about keyword’s search visibility, positions, etc. |
6 |
Free |
It is one of the best keyword tool currently available to business owners. Google AdWords help you to find out relevant keywords to your products. You can also create online ads based on them. |
7 |
Merchant Words |
Free $29 to$149 per month |
This tool helps you to develop specific keyword phrases. You must check for availability in their country. |
8 |
AMZ One |
From free to $180 |
You can use features like Keyword Rank Tracking or Sales Tracking to find more accurate keywords. |
9 |
AMZ Sistrix |
Free |
You can quickly analyze the keyword by a simple insert of a keyword in the tool.. |
10 |
SEO Chat |
Free |
It is the best place to find all the information and tools for professional Search Engine Optimization. You can develop a successful business with the help of this tool. |
11 |
Seo Stack |
Free |
You can easily generate keywords, get keyword suggestions and analyze keyword competition. |
12 |
Helium 10 |
Free sign up |
You will find the awesome features such as Magnet Amazon Keyword research tool makes Helium 10 a perfect tool for SEO professionals. |
Amazon Keyword Research Using Paid keyword research tool
Here you can check the list of Paid Amazon Keyword Research tool.
No. |
Amazon Keyword Tool |
Pricing |
Features |
1 |
$99- $999 per month |
Ahrefs Site Explorer helps you discover the keywords that bring visitors to Amazon pages through organic search. The dashboard lets you be able to see numerous metrics that will allow you to examine the competitor’s data. |
2 |
Viral Launch |
$24 per month |
The toolmaker has claimed to be the most precise data from Amazon. You can filter irrelevant keywords, check the search volume trends, and find low bidding and low competition keywords for your ads campaign. |
3 |
Keyword Tool |
Free to Paid |
You can find the best keywords for Amazon products in a fast and easy way. You can use Keyword Tool Pro for Amazon for more advanced options. |
4 |
Scope |
From free to $57.5 per month |
You can easily monitor best selling products, keyword ranking lists and much more with Scope tool. A newbie can also pro to use Scope to research the best keywords for Amazon products. |
5 |
Keyword Tool Dominator |
$49,99 |
By using the extension, you will get access to Autocomplete databases from Google, Bing, Amazon and YouTube. It is a handy tool for research of Long Tail Keywords. |
6 |
Keyword Scout |
$24-$84 |
By using Keyword Scout, you can instantly create thousands of highly-converting, top-ranking keywords to make your product stand out on Amazon. |
7 |
Merchant Words |
Free $29 to$149 per month |
This tool helps you to develop specific keyword phrases. You must check for availability in their country. |
8 |
AMZ One |
From free to $180 |
You can use features like Keyword Rank Tracking or Sales Tracking to find more accurate keywords. |
Keyword Research with Amazon’s Automatic Campaigns
Amazon’s Automatic Campaigns tool reviews the product listings you have on Amazon and finds other potential keywords that your product has already been converted for. It also comes with a report on keywords that can be beneficial in conducting more keyword research.
For accessing this report, you’ll be required to go to the dashboard of your seller’s dashboard, then select Reports – Advertising Reports – Search Term Report.
Keyword Research From Competitor listings
Examine your competitors’ listings to discover a range of keywords that are relevant to your business.
To begin, enter one of the key keywords that describe your product in the Amazon search results and review the top-performing products that appear on the results page.
Amazon Keyword Research From Customer reviews
Look at the reviews that people have left on targeted products and other similar products. You’ll discover the exact words that consumers use to describe their product.
Improve Your Keyword Relevancy In Amazon Product Listing
Relevancy ranking factors are all about keywords. So, you must use proper keywords on the below sections while creating your Amazon Product listing:
- Product Title
- Product Description
- Product Features
- Backend Keywords
Optimize Amazon Product Titles
Your product’s titles will be the first things customers see when they look for something. As a result, they’re significant ranking factors and essential to the overall success of your sales.
You must include relevant keywords to accomplish Amazon Product Title optimization. But, you should be careful not to overuse keywords. Using too numerous keywords within your title can cause it to appear unnatural and unprofessional.
While product titles highly depend on what type of product is being sold, entrepreneurs generally include the following details:
- Brand
- Model type and number
- Product type
- Size and quantity
- Power output requirements
- Color
- Design
- Trademarks or patents (if necessary)
Don’t add information that’s not important. You’re limited in the number of characters to use for your product’s title. Make sure it is concise and easy to read.
Your Product title must meet the following Amazon Official guidelines:
- Must be 80-250 characters
- Must use title Case
- Must use words (avoid symbols)
- Should use numbers
- Does not use punctuation
Amazon Product title formula
It’s crucial to keep in mind that every product type is accompanied by an Amazon formula for titles, meaning that you can’t just randomly mix this information in your title.
For example, Amazon suggests the following template for these most well-known product types:
- Kitchenware: Brand + Model Name + Model Number + Size + Product Type
- TV Sets: Brand + Model Name + Product Type + Color
- DVD Players: Brand + Model Name + Size + Product Type + Screen Type
- Jewelry: Brand + Product Category + Gender+ Metal Variation + Shape + Material + Product Type
- Video Games: Brand + Product Type + Type of Platform
By optimizing your product title, you will immediately catch your customers’ attention and increase your business’s likelihood of producing sales.
Optimize Amazon Product Descriptions
Your Amazon product description must be as thorough and precise as is possible. It should contain relevant keywords and other essential details such as dimensions, features, and brand names.
Write clearly and in complete sentences. Make sure your product description is clear to both the customer and the algorithm. Subheadings are a great way to create an accessible copy to scan.
Must add keywords into every subheading if they are appropriate. It is best to place your primary keyword in the first phrase or the first paragraphs of your text.
Your Amazon product description needs to comply with the following requirements:
- 2,000 character length.
- Highlights the key product features and specifications.
- Includes care instructions and warranty information as necessary.
- Easily scannable.
- Doesn’t include any company contact information or links to your websites .
- Don’t use buzzwords like “free shipping” or “on sale now.”
Amazon is an ecommerce platform, so the principles of ecommerce are helpful when writing product descriptions.
Advanced SEO tips To optimize Description part of your Amazon product listing
Below are a few suggestions from our Amazon SEO tips on how you can enhance this aspect of your product’s listing:
- Do not copy and paste. A well-crafted description of the product doesn’t just copy the words in its title; however, it expands on its specifics and highlights the benefits, an essential part of the description.
- Tell an exciting story. If you’d like to go to the next level, feel free to describe the exact way in which the product began to be created. It’s a real-life testimony about the product that gives a unique perspective on why people need it in the first place.
- Create a clear and easy-to-read. Customers on Amazon generally don’t like reading long chunks of text. Therefore, you must ensure that your description is as brief as possible. We suggest keeping three lines per paragraph and then separating them with breaking lines with HTML code.
- Utilize Amazon SEO tools. The product description tab has a set of tools to choose from, including the ability to put bullet points, lists, and bold/italicize/underline texts. Make use of these tools to help those descriptions stick out.
Optimize Amazon Product Features Bullet Points
The Amazon Product Features should have a similarity to your product description. However, they must be clear and easy to understand. The features of your product are Amazon bullet points that many customers read first. Your customer should understand the purpose of your product and what it can do for them.
Five bullet points should be included in brief and straightforward sentences. Include your keyword whenever appropriate to include it, but you should focus on providing a summary of what your service offers.
Your Amazon Product Features section must comply with the following rules:
- 500 characters max.
- Should Use sentence case.
- Must provide 5 bullet points.
- Include 1 sentence per bullet point.
- Be specific with features like size, dimensions, color.
- Don’t use punctuation at the end of your bullet point.
- Don’t mention sales, promotional pricing, or shipping information.
what you can do to write bullet points that convert
We’ve put together a summary guideline of what you could create bullet points that can convert a sale:
- Outline. As an Amazon Seller, it is your responsibility to ensure your bullet points are written differently from the description and title. Instead of being simple or telling a narrative, create a concise outline of the most desirable features of the product.
- Concentrate on one benefit per bullet point. One great way to attract your audience is to highlight one benefit per bullet. For instance, instead of creating “Easy to use top-quality” within one paragraph, you can break them up into two to improve readability.
- Take note of restrictions. Amazon’s product listing is limited to bullet points to 200 characters. So ensure your highlights aren’t too long yet packed with vital details.
Optimize Amazon Backend Keywords
It’s essential to fill in your Amazon Backend Keywords are the tags you use to inform Amazon what your product is. The customer can’t read them; however, the algorithm A10 can make sure to complete fields.
Make your product’s listing more effective using Amazon backend keywords. Choose the top five keywords to include in your listing. These keywords must be relevant to your product and diverse enough to apply to your customer’s search query variations.
The keywords you choose to use must be included in the other areas on your page, including the description of your listing and its features.
Amazon backend keywords need to follow the following requirements:
- 50 character length per keyword.
- Avoid punctuation where possible, except commas.
- Be inclusive of misspellings and variations.
- Do not repeat the same keyword .
- Don’t include brand names or product names.
Improve Your Amazon Performance Metrics
Performance metrics measure how well your product is selling. Therefore, improving the product’s performance must focus on helping consumers make the right choice.
You can examine your product’s conversion statistics through Business Reports or Reports – Seller Central’s Detail Sales Page and Traffic. You can look for the metric unit Session Percentage. This is the conversion percentage you have. |
You can also utilize an application such as the Sellery Smart lists, which provides metric information about your product such as Buy Box performance, competitions sales, sales information, and others.
If the conversion rate of your product is not high, you may want to consider optimizing particular aspects of your listing, such as:
- Product Images
- Product Videos
- Product Reviews
- Product Price
- Amazon PPC
- External traffic
- Shipping and FBA
- Inventory
Optimize Amazon Product Images
Your Amazon product images are one of the first things your customer sees from the search page, so they’re an essential factor in the click-through rate. Images are also the best way a customer can get to know your product before they buy it, so they can directly influence conversion rate.
Don’t underestimate the importance of your pictures. It is among the most important sales arguments. Images of products are important to generate sales. While they do not affect Amazon SEO directly, they can be very influential in reducing bounce rates.
Focus on your image quality. Product images need to retain their quality when appearing small in search results, when clicked, or when the user zooms in. For most products, you should use multiple images.
The first image should be on a white background with any subsequent images showing your product from different angles, packaging, or situations. These are known as lifestyle images.
When you upload your image files, they are checked to confirm that they meet technical file requirements. Files failing to meet these requirements will not be uploaded to your listings.
Amazon Site Standards for Product Images
Every product on Amazon needs one or more product images. The primary image of your product is called the “MAIN.”
The MAIN image represents a product in the search results and browse pages and is the first image customers see on a product detail page.
Remember, the images you choose to upload for your product will impact customer buying choices, so quality matters.
Choose clear, easy-to-understand, information-rich, and attractively presented images.
Amazon General requirements for Product Images:
- Images must accurately represent the product and show only the product that’s for sale, with minimal or no propping.
- The product and all of its features must be clearly visible.
- MAIN images must have a pure white background.
- MAIN images must be professional photographs of the actual product (graphics, illustrations, mock-ups or placeholders are not allowed). They must not show excluded accessories; props that might confuse the customer; text that is not part of the product; or logos, watermarks or inset images.
- MAIN images must not be multiple views of the same product.
- Images must match the product title.
- The product must not be on a mannequin, except for stockings or socks.
- Images must not contain a model unless the product is apparel or an apparel accessory worn by a model.
- Images must not be out of focus, blurry, pixelated, have jagged edges or be cropped by a frame edge.
- If the product is on a model, the model must be standing (not sitting, kneeling, leaning, lying down or in other positions).
- The product must be out of its packaging or shown without external brand tags, except for stockings or socks.
- Images must not contain nudity or be sexually suggestive.
Technical Amazon Product Images File Requirements:
The image should meet the following technical requirements for Amazon Product Images:
- File format should be JPEG/JPG, PNG, TIFF or GIF (JPG is preferred).
- Colour should be RGB or CMYK (RGB is preferred because CMYK colour sometimes shows colour tonal variations when displayed on our website).
- Resolution should be at least 72 dpi.
- The product must fill at least 85% of the image area.
- Images should be 1,000 pixels or larger in either height or width. This minimum size requirement enables the zoom function on the website. Zoom has been proven to enhance sales.
- The smallest your file can be is 500 pixels on its longest side.
- Files cannot exceed 10,000 pixels on the longest side.
To Check Amazon Official technical requirements. Refer to the Amazon Image Guides for all products. |
Optimize Amazon Product Videos
Amazon product videos are an effective way to present your products to potential buyers. Videos are available on Amazon pages for listings can assist you in turning clicks into buyers and increase the Amazon sale rate.
Amazon video product descriptions allow Amazon sellers to stand out from the crowd and explain their unique selling point in 60 minutes or less. The best videos showcase the product’s advantages and features, and demonstrate the benefits of using them.
Explainer videos go deeper into the capabilities of a product or how it operates better than any bullet point list can do. In addition, the comparison videos illustrate what the product can be capable of compared to the other products.
What should I consider when planning the pre-production of the Product video?Planning and pre-production are the keys to success in every form or form of video production, no matter if it’s for your brand’s latest product or Pushpa’s latest blockbuster. For your product video, It is crucial to consider how you would like to showcase your brand and your product, also what details to include. You should go through the following Questions While planning for a new Amazon Product Video.
Video also helps decrease bad reviews, by simply describing what the product can offer and not offering which means that consumers are less likely purchase a product that doesn’t fulfill their requirements.
Before you visit Amazon Video Creation Guidelines, you need to know who is qualified to use them.
Who is allowed to use videos in the Amazon listing?
Video content for the product is not accessible for every Amazon seller. However, at this moment, they are accessible to two main categories:
- Marketplace sellers who have registered in Amazon’s Brand Registry. Video is available via A+ Content (formerly EBC) within Seller Central for sellers.
- Vendors are brand-owned producers that offer wholesale sales to Amazon. For vendors, videos are accessible through A+ Content in Vendor Central.
Amazon Product Video Creation Guidelines
Here are some tips to follow while creating your video
- The video must be of high quality.
- The entire video must appear in English.
- The person uploading the file must be the owner of the brand The product needs to be owned by you.
- Should not contain any negative or defamatory remarks.
- Any statements made regarding the product have to be based on facts.
- Every claim should be backed by proof.
- There is no controversial, sensitive or sexually suggestive content.
- There are no medical or health claims.
- It is not possible to include price, promotions discounts claims, time-sensitive information.
- Do not steer viewers away from Amazon’s website.
- It is not possible to include contact details.
- Do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another.
- You cannot display any “banned” products , like alcohol.
- If comparisons are made it must be true.
- Should not contain any customer reviews with incorrect details.
Types of product videos that you can create
Generally, there are 3 types of video concepts that you can create to help your product reach the right audience and keep them engaged.
- Product Highlighter Video: This type of video is clean, simple, and features completely on the product. They are usually a 360° video with the product on a plain, white background.
- Customer Experience Video: This type of video is usually captured by the reviewers, fans, or customers. It offers a realistic experience for other buyers to comprehend the product better.
- Product Explanatory Video: This type of video is of impeccable quality with an engaging script and explains the benefits of using the product.
Optimize Amazon Product Reviews
Reviews on your products provide customers with a great insight into your product and your business. Although you cannot directly influence the reviews, they write. However, you have a certain amount of control over what kinds of Amazon Product Reviews you receive.
Be as truthful and precise as you can with your product description and pictures. Most negative reviews are from customers who believed they had purchased a product and received something different.
Although inaccurate and false descriptions may lead to increased sales, they can also lead to poor reviews and return.
It is also important to actively encourage customers to leave reviews on your product’s listing. You can create email reminders within the Amazon interface to ensure that customers are sent an invitation to write you reviews after making the purchase.
If you receive negative reviews, ensure that you address the issue as soon as possible and follow up with any action you could do. If there is a real problem with your product, take action as soon as you can.
How do Amazon reviews impact your ranking?
Reviews are essential to the conversion rate, click-through rate, sales for a particular product, and consequently, ranking it.
Customers typically scroll down to read reviews written by former customers. The more favorable reviews your product receives, the better it will perform.
So, there are two areas to be taken care of:
- Number of product reviews
- Product review score (star rating)
How do you increase the number of Amazon reviews?
You can boost the number of reviews in different ways. The general principle is that a customer’s willingness to leave reviews increases when they receive good customer service.
You can also use packaging inserts to ask customers to write reviews or post ads on platforms for testing products.
Packaging inserts are printed marketing materials that sellers can add to their Amazon packages before sending them to customers. They are usually the size of a business card or postcard and carry a marketing message. |
Optimize Your Amazon Product Price
The price you charge for your product will significantly influence the likelihood that a user will click your product from the results of the search and also convert on the page of your product.
If you have a price that exceeds other results found on the Amazon Search page, your product will probably not be noticed. Similarly, If your cost is less expensive, you might receive a lot of clicks, but people may see that your product is flawed and justify why you’re cheaper.
Take a look at your prices against the costs of similar products offered by your competition. You should conduct cost comparisons using Amazon. Sellers can advertise a product at an additional cost on Amazon than on their site.
Your Amazon Product price will affect your position:
- Click-through rate in search results: buyers look at the price of your product against other products found in the Search result when deciding the products to click on.
- Conversion rate and Sale velocity: You must know if the price you offer matches your target customers, the quality of the product as well as your brand’s image, etc., to get an effective conversion rate.
Boost External Traffic And Generate Sales For Your Amazon Listing
External traffic refers to sending customers via external websites to your products on Amazon to increase sales and traffic to improve your rank.
This effect on rankings could be a reason to redirect customers to Amazon instead of your shop online.
Effective landing pages to redirect visitors towards are the product page, pages for product selection, or, if you own one you have created, you can use it to promote your Amazon Brand Store.
Here are some ways of generating external traffic to Your Amazon Listing:
- Pay-per-click advertising (Google Adwords, Facebook ads etc.)
- Newsletter/emails
- Content/influencer marketing (promote your product on blogs, YouTube, forums, etc.)
- Social media (e.g., brand pages)
- Send traffic from your online shop to Amazon
Find more information to boost external traffic on Amazon Product Listing.
Product Shipping and Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon)
If you’re not using FBA currently, you must think about it, as FBA is required to make your product accessible through Prime shipping. Only through Prime shipping will you be able to benefit from a large number of sales thanks to the increasing numbers of Prime customers.
Without having a Prime Label, Prime members are unlikely to click on your brand because the Prime label is already visible in the results of a search.
Prime members can even filter out non-Prime products in the search results.
Inventory management: How To Maintain Product Stock Availability
Stock shortages can cause harm to your Amazon SEO ranking based on the length of time you’re in stock and the way you handle the situation. The longer you’re not in the market, the greater the chance you’ll see a dramatic decrease in your rankings.
It is essential to ensure that your product is never “out of stock” since this could cost your company a significant ranking.
- If you are using the Fulfillment By Amazon (Amazon FBA), you can schedule reminders to automatically alert you when your stock reaches a certain amount that you need to replenish.
- However, when you sell your products on multiple sites, you can use multichannel sync platforms to help in synchronizing your inventory to ensure that they don’t fall below zero. If, however, Amazon is your sole marketplace and you want to use a separate stock management system.
But, if you’re selling your products independently, sourcing, stocking, and shipping, you will need to do everything yourself.
On your own, you must ensure that you are on top of the stock by keeping in touch with your suppliers regularly. This will allow you to avoid the possibility of future deficits.
Use Amazon A+ Content
Amazon Enhanced Brand Content or A+ Content are two additional content options for registered Brand sellers and vendors.
Enhanced content lets you address your customers’ questions in the clear as well as in an enjoyable manner. A well-designed A+ Content will increase conversion rates, more sales, and more positive reviews as your customers’ expectations will be more easily met.
According to Amazon, enhanced content can increase revenue by 3-10% due to an increased conversion rate. This means that you could manage to spend more for each click since every click is worth more (i.e., more RoAS, lower ACoS).
With different layouts and a simple content editor to produce attractive text and vibrant images, these enhancements could provide your basic page of product descriptions with a dramatic visual improvement.
Remember that even an increase of just a few percent in the conversion rate could be a significant difference!
What Are The Benefits Of A+ Content For Sellers?
The Enhanced Brand Content is available for sellers at no cost. However, it’s only available when you’ve registered your brand with Amazon and are currently in a professional selling program.
Here you can check some major benefits of Enhanced Brand Content
- Easily Convey Story of the product: More pictures and more detailed descriptions of your product allow you to present your product’s story more compellingly. Utilize it to highlight special features and benefits and the lifestyle associated with your product.
- Easily Spread Brand Recognition & Awareness: Sharing the story of your brand and connecting with customers creates brand recognition and loyalty. It distinguishes you from your other brands and could encourage buying from you again.
- The product range: Comparability charts assist users in discovering more about your product offerings and making better purchasing decisions. They also lower the likelihood that consumers are lost and lead (detoured) to products from competitors, for instance, through Sponsored Product Ads and the Amazon “similar product” comparability widget.
The basic version, Basic A+ Content, is available for vendors. A paid edition, “Premium A+ Content,” offers more interactive options, including sliders and videos; however, it’s an exclusive program only available through an invitation from your vendor’s manager. The program also comes at a high price. |
When Should I Utilize A+ Content for Amazon SEO?
Content that has been enhanced is not indexable by Amazon, so it does not directly improve the visibility of search results. However, enhanced content can help improve rankings indirectly by increasing its conversion rate.
Amazon Brand Registration is entirely free; However, you have to declare your trademark to be eligible. So, tt is possible to enhance the content of all of your products.
Enhanced content is not a quick fix to a product that isn’t selling well. Instead, the enhanced content can act as an acceleration to a product that’s already thriving on Amazon.
Note: Since Amazon enhanced content isn’t indexable, it is essential to make sure that your keywords are included in the indexed content elements. If not, your listing won’t be ranked, and nobody will be able to see your enhanced content, no matter how gorgeous and informative it may be. |
Bonus Amazon SEO Tips: Using AI Based Advanced SmartPlug Tool
Through SellerGeni’s AI-based Advanced SmartPlug Tool, you can easily optimize your Amazon Product listing in a single click. As a result, it will boost your Product ranking and conversion rate. If customers come across your product and think it’s important, they’re likely to purchase it.

If more users click on and purchase products from you, the A10 algorithm will evaluate it more readily. The higher your product’s rank and the more people purchase it.
This method and strategy could be a self-sustaining, self-sustaining flywheel that combines rankings and sales.
SmartPlug Key features:
- Product Listing Analysis: Quickly identify the optimization potential of your listings and your entire product range.
- Advanced AI Based Listing optimization: The SellerGeni’s SmartPlug Tool helps you create high-ranking product listings using an efficient optimization process.
- 1-click optimization of keywords: Automatically create a perfect backend keyword list with just one click, resulting in greater organic visibility.
- Amazon Ranking tracker: You can easily track the progress of your Amazon keyword ranking and measure accurately the effectiveness of your efforts to optimize.
- Take Care Amazon SEO in Autopilot Mode: SmartPlug provides the autopilot optimization process according to Amazon’s Algorithm.
Advanced Amazon SEO Tips On Keyword Mastery
Amazon keywords are essential to the whole SEO process. They are the essential part of Amazon SEO that helps your business to connect with customers on the platform based on their search.
If you do not utilize the correct keywords, how can Google’s A10 engine be able to comprehend your products and help you get to the top of the results page?
A10 is based on great technology, but it can’t tell the product’s characteristics until you’ve used the correct approaches to explain it.
To begin, here are some helpful Amazon keyword tips:
- Know & and Focus On Your target audience. The first step to selecting the best keyword for SEO is to identify the people you want to get to. If you are operating a business that sells fitness products, then target specific terms to the fitness market and avoid using generic keywords such as “gym” and “fit” on your page.
- Include the Right keywords in the product listings. To rank highly in Amazon searches, the keywords you select must be added to all listings of products. Keep in mind that you only need to use a keyword one time to be able to rank higher. If you are using the same keyword, you’re wasting space on words that could have been utilized in other keywords.
- Learn to utilize backend keywords. In essence, they are those that users cannot view through the Amazon Marketplaces. When you’ve got a lengthy list of keywords but do not want to include every single one of them on your list, you could instead use them as backend keywords. In this way, you’ll be able to rank higher for other keywords and get more leads.
The Most common Amazon SEO mistakes that you Need to Avoid
As we get closer to the conclusion in this Amazon SEO Guide, you have the necessary knowledge to understand Amazon’s search engines and improve your listing for your products.
However, you must be aware that sellers tend to ignore other aspects of their Amazon process. As a result, they may appear small at first glance, but eventually, they cause a negative impression on the Amazon business’s sales performance.
Below are a few of the most frequently made errors that Amazon entrepreneurs make in the SEO strategy:
- You are mismanaging your product inventory. The goal of SEO for Amazon is to boost your brand’s visibility to the public so that they are more likely to buy your product. Still, it’s ineffective if you don’t improve the efficiency of your inventory processes. Insufficient or overstocked inventory can also result in poor customer service, which you should avoid.
- Fail To Continuing SEO Techniques: The best Amazon strategy is something, but maintaining it is a different matter. Most Amazon sellers soon fall behind due to their inability to adopt strategies to ensure that the SEO process runs smoothly. For starters, you can monitor your performance regularly or look into the possibility of launching your own Amazon advertising campaign using PPC to increase your exposure in the Marketplace even more.
- You have not adequately adjusted yourself with A10 Search Engine. While Amazon’s A10 Search Engine is brilliant, its algorithm continues to evolve with time. Amazon business owners are annoyed by these changes and cannot keep their SEO strategies in place.
- You’re not doing proper research on your competition. However, despite Amazon’s highly competitive environment, only a few smart entrepreneurs examine how their rivals are doing on Amazon’s platform. This technique is beneficial in identifying flaws in their product listings and filling those holes on your website. If you’re interested in knowing how to boost the SEO of Amazon, Competitive analysis is one method to improve your product’s listing.
- You’re providing incorrect information in Product Listing. One of the most costly mistakes you could make using your SEO strategy is to write false information on your product listing. This deceitful tactic will hurt your reputation as you are trying to deceive your customers using the Amazon platform to make a profit.
- You don’t need any assistance. The majority of new Amazon sellers think that they will be able to develop the best SEO strategy on their own. Sure, you could try to accomplish everything, but it will be at the cost of time waste and ultimately fewer sales. Always set a budget for Premium Methodology like Amazon Ads, Amazon Product Research Tools, etc.
Amazon SEO: Final Word On How to Rank on Amazon 2022
You’ve just read the complete information on the Ultimate Amazon SEO strategy 2022. We’ve included all the information you need to know to ensure that you don’t feel overwhelmed by confusing information again.
When you invest time professionally supporting your listings, it will be possible to give superior customer service. In addition, by following the Amazon A10 algorithm properly, you can achieve rank high and sales growth.
If you are a beginner seller or experienced, your ultimate goal is to maximize your sales & profits. So, along with SEO strategy, you must also be focused on Amazon PPC Ads to generate more revenue.
You are already aware that more sales mean more conversation rate & CTA. So, it indirectly improves your Amazon SEO Rank.
Don’t Miss The Chance To Explore GrowZ: SellerGeni’s AI-Based Advanced Amazon Advertising Tool
SellerGeni provides AI-based, most advanced Tool GrowZ to take care of your Amazon PPC Ads. As a result, you can run whole Amazon PPC Ads in autopilot mode at a minimal cost.
Through SellerGeni’s AI-based Advanced GrowZ Tool, you can easily optimize your Amazon PPC Ads with a single click.
It’s an all-in-one Amazon Ads solution to run profitable campaigns for your product and generate more sales.

Significantly, increasing sales can improve your product rankings even if they come via paid ads clicks. That means that effective Amazon ads directly improve your organic ranking. However, even with the most effective SEO efforts, it isn’t easy to be competitive if you do not use your Amazon PPC channel.
GrowZ’s Key features:
- Faster Keyword Analysis: Quickly identify best-performing keywords for your product to perform result-driving ads.
- Ultimate Location Selection: Its Advanced AI can easily find the best location to display your Ads on the Amazon Platform to get more conversions.
- 1-click Amazon Ads Autopilot Mode: GrowZ provides the autopilot ads optimization and management process according to Amazon’s Algorithm.
FAQs On Amazon SEO 2022
Here you can check some important FAQs On Amazon SEO 2022.
Is Amazon Considered To Be A Search Engine?
Yes. While Amazon is an online marketplace, it is also used as an engine for searching. In many instances, buyers utilize Amazon to shop around and discover products they’re interested in buying.
Sellers frequently use Amazon for a market research before choosing new products for sale on the internet.
Furthermore, with the addition to Alexa, Amazon data is commonly used to respond to voice query queries.
How Often Is Amazon’s Algorithm Get Updated?
Amazon isn’t the first to announce that they have released an upgrade to their search algorithm.
This is why it’s impossible to know how frequently it is possible to determine how often the Amazon ranking algorithm alters. Fortunately, the algorithm itself tends to be relatively stable.
What Exactly Is Amazon SERP?
The Amazon SERP are results displayed to customers after they have completed an online search for a product on Amazon. SERP is a short form for search results page for engines.
How can sellers enhance the quality of their Amazon SEO?
For sellers seeking to enhance Amazo SEO, the initial step is learning how Amazon’s A10 algorithm works and, in particular, its interconnected nature with the sales generated by PPC or organic search rankings.
With this knowledge, the sellers will then be able to focus on optimizing the various components of the successful Amazon SEO strategy: Keywords, PPC, and content.
Does Amazon SEO also work with Google SEO?
Specific measures to optimize your search engine can help you with the effectiveness of your Amazon SEO and Google SEO while at the same time.
The most notable of these is increasing the relevancy to your Amazon content since this can appeal to Google’s algorithm for search while at the same time improving your Amazon rankings by increasing the conversion rate.
But, Amazon SEO and Google SEO are not the same things, and each needs to be addressed separately for the best results across both search engines.
Does A+ content affect Amazon SEO?
Keywords included in Amazon A+ contents are not included in the index for Amazon Search.
If you include the target keyword within the A+ content, however, it is not in other places (e.g., within your bullet point), you will not rank for this keyword.
However, having better A+ content can improve the overall user experience on your product’s page. It will increase your conversion rate, increase sales, and consequently improve the success of your Amazon SEO efforts and your organic ranking.
How can I improve the SEO For My Product Listing?
The measurement of the return on your Amazon SEO efforts is not always easy due to the interconnectedness between PPC actions and organic rankings.
To ensure you’re improving your Amazon Product listing’s performance, we recommend running A/B tests on your most effective modifications, including your primary image of the product and your product titles.
The primary image of the product and title of the product can significantly affect your click-through rate, which can give you an indication of whether or not your Amazon SEO strategy is producing results.
However, you should also monitor your organic ranking because an improved ranking will also attract more clicks, and this has to be taken into the evaluation of your A/B test.
How Can I Improve Keywords For Amazon SEO?
We recommend following the Amazon process for optimizing keywords:
Step 1: Optimize backend keywords
Include the most keywords you can in the keyword field on the backend (also known as “search words” also known as “generic keyword”) before you add keyword phrases to the content. This will make your content high-quality readability.
For sellers and vendors in the above paragraphs, to have all your keywords included in your index, use no greater than 250 bytes (including punctuation marks and spaces). Use space (sellers) or semicolons/commas (vendors) to segregate your backend keywords, and keep in mind the general rule of keywords.
Step 2: Include the other keywords within the content of the product (i.e., titles bullet points, description of the product)
Keep readability and user experience at the forefront when adding your keywords. It is not necessary to include the keywords you’ve already included in the backend of your content.
As for the SEO technique, repeating keywords at different places does not negatively affect rankings.
Step 3: Complete the additional fields for keywords and products
We have already discussed how adding additional keywords and product fields can increase the visibility and searchability of products via Amazon Search Filters (page navigation).
Therefore, it is recommended to attempt to fill in these areas as completely as you can.
What Should Be My Most Important Keyword For Amazon SEO?
Amazon keywords have great role on Amazon SEO. It meant a positive effect on the ranking of products with keywords within the title.
When you input the keyword in an index field, it does not make any difference in the location you put it on your page. Amazon relies even more on the performance of specific keywords (CTR and sales, conversion rate, etc. ).
The focus is now on readability. Instead of using keywords to fill in the gaps (especially on the page’s title), Amazon wants you to concentrate on content optimized for conversion that is in the guidelines of Amazon.
Do I Need To Duplicate My Keywords To Get A Higher Amazon Product Ranking?
No. Keyword repetition shows no positive impact on ranking. Instead, you can use the space to include additional relevant keywords.
It is best not to repeat a word unless it is appropriate from a content standpoint (e.g., to emphasize an individual USP, for example, you could have the term “lightweight” within the headline and bullet point ).
How Can I Track My Amazon Keywords Ranking?
It is tough to monitor your Amazon products rank for every relevant manually.
So, you must go with an automatic Amazon ranking tracking tool that will notify you of any significant changes to rankings and assist you in evaluating the effectiveness of any Amazon SEO measures you implement.
How Can I Boost The Number Of Keywords Indexed On Amazon By Spreading Them Across Different Variants?
The old principle rule remains that your listings must include the appropriate keywords for buyers to locate them.
The parent listings will automatically be updated the child listings with bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords. This means that you can feed your parent listing with a base set of keywords, and its child ASINs will be ranked for them.
In a subsequent step, you will be able to add long-tail keywords for every child ASIN. In this way, you can increase the number of keywords that you can use and the chance that customers will find at least one of your variations.
The users will also be able to see the other variants which were previously not displayed in the results of searches as soon as they click on them.
Why Are Images Of Products Essential For Better Amazon SEO?
Beautiful, high-quality images of a product are crucial to the ranking of a product since they can dramatically improve the performance (click-through rate and conversion rate, and sales).
Amazon Search Result: The main product image displayed in the search results is typically the first contact point with your item and buyer. People will click on a search result more often when they see an appealing product image.
This is likely an essential factor for CTR. In addition, a higher click-through rate will result in greater sales for your Amazon Product.
The Product Page: Images that appeal to the eye can convince people to purchase your product, increasing sales and conversion rates. Images that are appealing to your customers’ queries and provide them with all necessary information to make an informed purchase decision in a way that is easy to digest.
Additionally, they create a positive impression and create confidence in your clients. In either case, the majority of customers follow simple buying logic. If your product’s image is poor, the product isn’t going to be better.
Why Use Amazon Product Videos For Your Product Listing?
The simple answer: You can drastically increase your conversions rate by upwards of 50%-80%. So, it has a great Impact On Amazon SEO.
Videos help the customer to shop more efficiently by communicating your product to the potential buyer in a short amount of time.
An Amazon product video brings many benefits to your listing:
It brings your product to life, and the customer can better imagine themselves using it
It provides better angles and perspectives of your product
You get to show off your product’s uses, features, and benefits instantly
It gives you a leg up on your competitors that don’t have product videos
It can keep a customer engaged while on your listing, create a connection to your product, and help increase your conversion rate
Because videos can give your customer clear product expectations, you can avoid negative reviews