12 Strategies for Finding Profitable Product to Sell Online 2022

Coming up with product ideas is admittedly a little tricky.  To help you get started, we’ve put together a shortlist of practical ways to find products to sell in your online store.

Solving a customer pain point will always be an effective way to develop a product people want.

1. Solve a customer pain point

When consumers are passionate about a particular trade or hobby, they’re usually more inclined to invest money to get the exact product they want.

2. Appeal to enthusiastic hobbyists

While there are inherent risks in choosing a niche based on your interests, it certainly doesn’t have to be a recipe for disaster. Using your know-how to create and position a unique product can be extremely profitable.

3. Go with your personal passion

Turning your expertise into your own online business is a smart way to enter the market with a leg up that isn't easy for others to duplicate or copy.

4. Consider your professional experience

Recognizing a trend early enough can be a significant win for a new business. Keep an eye on the latest trends on: – Social Media – Google Trends – Trend Hunter – Reddit

5. Capitalize on trends early

Whether you already sell products online or not, there is a wealth of insight you can glean from customer reviews.

6. Read customer reviews on existing products

Searching for keyword opportunities means strategically looking for a product based on the search queries people are using, the number of searches per month, and overall competition for those searches.

7. Find product opportunities in keywords

If you already have an idea but are not quite ready to invest heavily in it, minimize your upfront investment and test the market by building a landing page to promote your potential product and running a few paid ads to drive traffic to it.

8. Litmus test before you launch

If you prefer to sell products on your online store, you can still gather inspiration by checking out what’s popular and trending on other marketplaces. Browse sites like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.

9. Browse what’s trending on online marketplaces

Products with little overhead provide a low-risk way to get started because it’s easier to attain higher profit margins compared to products that are more expensive to produce.

10. Research products with higher profit margins

Check out related items or products that customers frequently purchase together in that niche. Amazon is a useful resource for this, as there are several locations where the site displays product affinity.

11. Start your search with related products

One of the most straightforward strategies you can implement today is to keep an open eye and an open mind. New ideas can pop up at the most unexpected moments, and it’s important not to dismiss any chance thoughts you may have.

12. Always be on the lookout

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