5 Ultimate Ways To Conduct A Competitive Analysis For Ecommerce Business

When you are ready to conduct a competitive analysis on your own, follow these steps to ensure that your research is organized and structured.

Start with Google, Amazon, or Alexa searches for your product and business idea to find relevant competitors.

Step 1: Make a list with 7-10 competitors

Keep track of the data you gather about this group of competitors and organize it in a table or spreadsheet that is easy to share and update over time.

Step 2: Make a spreadsheet

Begin with your competitor's list and categorize each one as a primary, secondary or tertiary competitor.

Step 3: Identify your primary/secondary competitors

You can use many tools to make your competitive analysis easier, more efficient, or more accurate. Few essential tools are, – Ahrefs – SEMrush – SimilarWeb – Mailcharts – Buzzsumo

Step 4: Collect data via tools

Doing competitive research alongside the software and tools you use is a brilliant idea. Take on the role of potential customer to see what your competitors are doing in marketing.

Step 5: Perform some hands-on research

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